If you have heard the word Chakra but don’t know what it means (or if you work with me and wonder what I am talking about!) I hope this blog will be useful. I have put information about my services relating to chakras at the end of this blog.
Chakras are energy centres within the human energy field known by many ancient healing modalities – shamanism, Chinese medicine etc.
It is important to appreciate that we are energy beings. All living things are created by and comprised of energy at the fundamental level.
When our energy centres function optimally, we are completely balanced – psychologically, emotionally, physically, and spiritually.
Chakras help to regulate all the body’s processes, from organ function to the immune system and emotions. Each chakra has vibrational frequency and colour and governs specific functions for you.
Where are our chakras?
Human beings have seven main chakras in the body – as shown below:
What does Chakra mean?
The term chakra is Sanskrit for “wheel.” Chakras are often depicted as spinning, coloured wheels of energy. For millennia, chakras have been recognized as essential to life.
How long have Chakras been known?
Most ancient healing traditions were passed down verbally, so knowing when the first person discovered them is impossible. The many ancient shamanic traditions around the world work with Chakras.
Some discussions about chakras were traced back in India to around 1,500 B.C. They are also mentioned in the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, dating to circa 200 B.C. However, the West didn’t write much about chakras until the subject was introduced by Sir John Woodroffe (aka Arthur Avalon) in the early 20th century.
What does each of the chakras do?
Each one has a different set of functions it is responsible for. These are my notes from the homeopathic tutor group about each of them; I hope you find them interesting. They are in a summarised form with similar headings for each chakra.
First, Root or Base Chakra
- Place – Base of Spine
- Colour – Red
- Number – 1
- Tone – C
- Sense – Smell
- Endocrine Gland- Adrenals
- Element – Earth
- Planet – Saturn
- Soul Lesson – Service
This chakra faces downwards towards the earth and picks up and transmits geodetic forces. One becomes grounded.
The glands and organs influenced are the blood, the spine, the nervous system, the male sexual organs, the testes and the vagina.
Blocked: The will to survive. Life is a struggle, difficult. Family obligations come before the individual.
Lacks confidence, feels unloved, suicidal, weak-willed, feels sexually inadequate, fearful, insecure, anxious, restlessness, frustration, alienation, separation.
Excessive: Life owes. Nothing stands in the way of one’s own desires
Egotistical, domineering, bossy, addicted to wealth, greedy, highly strung, hyper-active, addicted to self, violent, dishonest, cunning.
Open: Life is worthwhile, enjoyable and good. Individual creativity is important. Feels safe, trusts the process of life, and is open to change. Trusts self. Can manifest creative desires.
Balanced, centred, grounded, fully alive, able to trust, independent, determined, safe, secure, stable, constant, committed, ambitious, patient, and passionate.
Use Red for Depression, lack of energy, ungrounded, low blood pressure, bladder infections, shock, poor circulation, cold feet, impotence, infertility, flaky skin, aches and pains in the lower back, buttocks, legs and feet.
Bach Flower Remedies for the base chakra
- Cherry Plum – Learning to let go.
- Clematis – grounding.
- Gorse – Integration of joy and sorrow.
- Pine -Taking responsibility for your own life.
- Sweet Chestnut –Trusting your development.
Crystals: Garnet, Ruby, Smoky Quartz, Bloodstone, Black Onyx.
Essential Oils: Cedarwood, Vetiver, Cypress, Myrrh, and Clove.
Angel: Gabriel. Angel of Harmony, Beauty, Purification. Friday is his day. Ray 4, Harmony and Beauty.
Homeopathic remedies that resonate in the red spectrum
All the Ferrums, Mercury, and Arnica (helps organise the blood. High potencies can coagulate the blood. (Anecdotally, some haemophiliacs carry 10M potency around with them, but I have no way of validating that). Carbo veg; Carbo Animalis; Belladonna; Nux Vom; Lachysis; Scorpion. (these are only some of the remedies)
Affirmation: The Red Ray is pouring into my being, stimulating, grounding and uplifting, giving me all the courage I need to be strong and successful.
Second or Sacral Chakra
- Place – Below the Navel
- Colour – Orange
- Number – 2
- Tone – D
- Sense – Taste
- Endocrine Glands – Ovaries, Testicles
- Element – Water
- Planet – Neptune
- Soul Lesson – Peace and Wisdom
The glands and organs influenced by the second chakra are the skin, the mammary glands, the female reproductive organs and the kidneys.
Blocked: I’m not sufficient. I’m not enough. I’m inadequate. I’m a failure. Love and pleasure are blocked out.
Gives self away to prove worth or through fear of rejection. Doesn’t trust the sweetness of life. Shy, timid, hides emotions, overly sensitive, emotionally hurt, feels guilt.
Excessive: I don’t need anybody. I don’t care whether I succeed or fail. Looks after own needs to the detriment of others.
Manipulates to get wants. Angry, full of rage, explosive, aggressive, self-serving.
Open: Looks after needs. Shows concern for others. What is best for “us”. Allows pleasure. Expresses feelings.
Friendly, creative, intuitive, good-humoured, balanced desire for pleasure, full of vitality, sexual fulfilment, discerning, prosperous.
Use Orange for Kidney problems, constipation, muscular cramps and spasms, lack of energy, insufficient lactation, skin and skin problems, allergies, repression and inhibition.
Bach Flowers.
- Crab Apple. Getting rid of what you cannot digest.
- Elm. Turning your ideas into reality.
- Mimulus. Freedom within a struggle.
- Oak. Surrender.
- Vervain. Accepting others.
- Wild Rose. Taking part joyfully in life.
Crystals: Carnelian, Coral, Jasper
Essential Oils: Geranium, Sandalwood, Jasmin.
Angel: Gabriel again. Base and Sacral chakra were one in an earlier period of human development. Fourth Ray people are Architects, Builders, Musicians, Artists, Spiritual Leaders, and Spiritual Scientists.
Homeopathic Remedies in the orange spectrum – Calendula, Bellis Perrenis, Rhus Tox, Ruta Grav, Beryllium, Selenium, Tungsten, All Natrums
Affirmation: The Orange Ray is pouring into my being, recharging me in mind, body and spirit, making me feel alive and well
Third or Solar Plexus Chakra
- Place – Below the Ribcage
- Colour – Yellow
- Number – 3
- Tone – E
- Sense – Sight
- Endocrine Gland – Pancreas
- Element – Fire
- Planet – Mars
- Soul Lesson – Human and Divine Love
This is who I am. This is who I want to be. This is how I want to be seen.
The glands and organs influenced by the third chakra are the diaphragm, the adrenals, the skin, the digestive system, the stomach, the duodenum, the pancreas, the gallbladder and the liver.
Blocked: Needs status, power, achievement, and validation to prove worth, adequacy and confidence.
Unworthiness, fear, giving away power, fear of failure, victim, lacks confidence, feelings are easily hurt, confused, poor judgement and apathy.
Excessive: I am right. All other opinions are invalid. Do as I tell you.
Perfectionist, judgmental, demanding, critical, needs help to relax, rigid.
Open: I am whole as I am. I know my boundaries. I do not depend on external factors for self-worth. I can break dependencies.
Outgoing, cheerful, has respect for oneself and others, open and expressive, intelligent, strong nerves, self-confident, flexible and decisive.
Use Yellow for Digestive disorders, gas, food allergies, liver problems, diabetes, hypoglycemia, hyperthyroid, gallstones, muscular cramps and spasms, mental and nervous disorders, depression, exhaustion, breathing problems, lymphatic activation, dispelling fears and bone building.
Bach Remedies.
- Aspen. Overcoming Fears.
- Hornbeam. Being able to achieve personal goals.
- Impatiens. Patience.
- Larch. Self-Awareness.
- Scleranthus. Balance within yourself.
- Star of Bethlehem. Ability to act from Joy.
Crystals: Topaz, Citrine, Amber, Tigers Eye, Yellow Fluorine.
Essential Oils: Lemongrass, Lemon Balm, Juniper, Amber.
Angel: Uriel.The qualities of Grace, Mercy and Compassion. Uriel is associated with Thursday and Ray 6,( Idealism and Devotion.)
Homeopathic Remedies in the yellow spectrum – Silica, Arsenicum, Sulphur, all fluorides, Antimony, Cadmium, Oxygen, Nitrogen, Berberis (Aquifolium and Vulgaris), Lycopodium, Chelidonium
Affirmation: The Yellow Ray fills my whole being with golden sunshine. God’s love and wisdom is pouring into my mind, body and spirit. I feel renewed, full of confidence, cheerful and full of ideas.
Fourth or Heart Chakra
- Place – Centre of the Chest
- Colour – Green and Pink
- Number – 4
- Tone – F
- Sense – Touch
- Endocrine Gland – Thymus Gland
- Element – Air
- Planet – Venus
- Soul Lesson – Brotherhood and Love
The glands and organs influenced by the fourth chakra are the heart, the lungs, the immune system, the thymus and the lymph glands.
Blocked: We put conditions on love…. if…. We have negative patterns
Resentment, hatred, guilt, fear, unforgiving, undeserving, suspicious, self-pitying paranoia, indecisiveness and need for reassurance.
Excessive: Uses money or power to control others. No one or nothing can satisfy my desires. I need to own everything and everyone. Dictatorial and cruel.
Demanding, overly critical, tense, moody, hateful, avaricious, selfish, callous, resentful and malicious.
Open: I feel joy in the moment and am worthy of love and acceptance. I feel deep compassion for others. I can see good in all. Relationships, life and work take on true lightness.
Balanced, compassionate, humanitarian, nurturing, empathetic, individuality, adaptability, generosity, purity, gentleness and innocence.
Use Green/ Pink for Heart and lung problems, high blood pressure, negativity, fatigue, breathing difficulty, tension, insomnia, anger, paranoia, the immune system, the thymus and lymph glands, soothing the spirit and the nerves, loneliness, harmony and balance, emotional stability and calming the fear of death.
Bach Remedies.
- Centaury. Service.
- Chicory. Overcoming distance.
- Heather. Unconditional Love.
- Holly. Free-flowing Love energy.
- Honeysuckle. Living in the here and now.
- Red Chestnut. The ability to express true love.
- Rock Rose. Overcoming ego limitations.
Crystals: Jade, Malachite, Emerald, Peridot.
Essential Oils: Elemi, Violet, Rose
Angel: Chamuel. Unconditional Love. Monday is his day, and he channels the Third Ray of Active Intelligence.
Affirmation: The Green Ray is pouring into my heart, bringing me peace and harmony, making me feel free and full of life, compassionate and full of love.
Fifth or Throat Chakra
- Place – Throat
- Colour – Blue
- Number – 5
- Tone – G
- Sense – Hearing
- Endocrine Gland – Thyroid, Parathyroid
- Element – Ether
- Planet – Uranus
- Soul Lesson – Divine Will
The ‘Holy Grail’ of the chakras because it holds information from all the other chakras.
The glands and organs influenced by the fifth chakra are the throat, the thyroid, the nerves, the ears and the muscles.
Blocked: Suppressed emotions (anger, sadness). Unable to express thoughts. Creative energy is destroyed.
Criticizing, boasting, lies, nothing worth saying, scared, timid, shy, unreliable, devious, inconsistent and dependent,
Excessive: Talks of others with malice. Talks a lot and doesn’t listen. Vitriolic.
Arrogant, self-righteous, dogmatic and malicious gossip.
Open: Reaches for and touches the realms of the spirit. Creative expression flows freely through the body. Expresses self and reaches out to others. Listens to others.
Contented, centred, good speaker, artistically inspired, lives in the present, mediator, sincere, truthful and independent.
Use Blue for Hyperthyroid, sore throats, inflammations, burns, skin irritations, fever, fever, ear infections, over-tiredness, mental exhaustion, gum inflammations, ulcers, digestive disorders, nervousness, colic, back pain, haemorrhoids, high blood pressure, hyperactive or violent behaviour, those who are dying.
Bach Flowers
- Agrimony. Fusing thinking and feeling.
- Mustard. Trusting yourself, even in the face of adversity.
- Wild Oat. Communicating from your deepest levels.
- Willow. Making space for creativity.
Crystals: Blue Lace Agate, Aquamarine, Blue Topaz.
Essential Oils: Lavender, Aniseed, Blue Chamomile.
Angel: Michael – Strength, Protection and Truth – Ruler of Wednesday. The Ray associated with Michael is Ray 1, that of Will or Power.
Affirmation: The Blue Ray of healing fills my whole being, bringing healing to all cells and organs in my body, making me feel relaxed, happy and at peace.
Sixth or Third Eye Chakra
- Place – Centre of the Brow
- Colour – Indigo
- Number – 6
- Tone – Om
- Sense – Thought
- Endocrine Gland – Pineal
- Element – Electrical or Telepathic Energy
- Planet – Mercury
- Soul Lesson – Detachment and Intuition
The glands and organs influenced by the sixth chakra are the pineal and pituitary glands, the brain, the eyes, the ears and the nose.
Blocked: Fear and doubt are overactive. Attitude can block the goodness longed for.
Coldness, intellectualism, unfeeling, mean, ungracious, non-assertive, undisciplined and over-sensitive.
Excessive: Dictatorial. I am right, and you will do as I tell you or else.
Ego mania, proud, manipulative, religiously dogmatic and authoritarian and bitter.
Open: Trusts insight and intuition. I am open to Universal, creative energy and go towards fulfilment and purpose. Feels at one with the divine presence. Says “Yes” to life.
No fear of death, telepathic, shows wisdom, perceptive, opens to healing, has deep knowing, unconditional love, spiritual and master of self.
Use Indigo for: Pain, diarrhoea, any agitation in the intestines, eyes, ears and nose, psychic exhaustion, clarity, releasing negative patterns and promoting inspiration.
Bach Remedies
- Beech. Tolerance.
- Cerato. Following the inner guide.
- Chestnut Bud. Being open to learning from Life.
- Gentian. Acceptance.
- Olive. Trusting Cosmic Harmony.
- Walnut. Being able to listen to the inner voice.
Crystals: Lapis Lazuli, Moonstone, Sodalite, Sapphire.
Essential Oils: Melissa, Camphor, Elemi, Eucalyptus.
Angel: Raphael. Healing, Abundance, Creativity, Truth, and Vision. Fifth Ray of Science, Knowledge and Research. Raphael’s day is Wednesday.
Affirmation: The Indigo Ray links me to the knowledge and understanding of all that is. Filling my whole being with intuition, guidance and spiritual energy for all I wish to do.
Seventh or Crown Chakra
- Place – Just Above the Top of the Head
- Colour – Violet
- Number – 7
- Tone –EE
- Sense – The Seventh Sense
- Endocrine Gland – Pituitary
- Element – Cosmic Energy
- Planet – Jupiter
- Soul Lesson – Be at one with the Source
The glands and organs influenced by the seventh chakra are the pineal and pituitary glands, the nervous system and the brain.
Blocked: No spark of fun or joy. Unable to make decisions.
Catatonic, lack of memory, diminished concentration.
Excessive: Destructive with no sense of own power. A sense of frustration and despair.
Depression, sometimes passionate at other times distant, egotistical and can have addiction to drugs and alcohol.
Open: I surrender my small limited self to the protective and guiding force which moves me through life. True destiny unfolds.
Open to divine energy, lighter, freer, radiates love which nourishes our self-esteem, inner peace and well-being, spirituality, service, faith, beauty, joy and gratitude.
Use Violet for: Depression, migraine headaches, baldness, dandruff and any neurotic behaviour. Use violet instead of red for those who are highly strung or nervous.
Bach Flowers. None are suggested for this chakra.
Crystals: Amethyst, Quartz, Diamond.
Essential Oils: Lavender, Clary Sage.
Angel: Jophiel. Enlightenment, Health and Wealth. The Second Ray of Love-Wisdom is focused through Jophiel, and Sunday is his day.
Affirmation: The Violet Ray pours into my being, purifying me and bringing me new life and energy for all I wish to do. The Violet ray gives me the gifts, high ideals, and the power to use them wisely.
Checking and balancing chakras in other ways
Mudras and Mantras for Chakra Cleansing and Balancing
You will have gathered that there are many different self-help ways to balance our chakras from the information above. If you know which chakras are out of balance, then you can use the ideas to restore balance.
Dowsing is one way to check which chakras are out of balance if you don’t know. This is something most people can learn to do with a little practice.
By walking in nature, we can ground ourselves and improve overall balance. Holistic healing of every type will balance the chakras because they are integral to our energy field.
Chakra Levels
Seven levels are referred to in my bio resonance Chakra Balancing sessions. I don’t tend to look into them in that much detail myself. The core information about the chakras (above) gives more than enough information to ponder. I have described them briefly below to satisfy your curiosity, though!
There is much more information in a wonderful book called ‘Hands of Light – A Guide to Healing through the Human Energy Field‘ by Barbara Ann Brennan. It is an excellent book if you would like to learn more.
- The Etheric Body – the state between ether and matter. It comprises tiny energy lines like a sparkling web of light beams. It has the same structure as the physical body, including all the anatomical parts and all the organs.
- The emotional Body – It roughly follows the outline of the physical body. Its structure is more fluid than the etheric body; It doesn’t duplicate the physical body; .it appears to be coloured clouds of fine substance in a continual fluid motion. It extends one to three inches from the body.
- The Mental Body – this body extends beyond the emotional and is composed of still finer substances associated with thoughts and mental processes. This body usually appears as a bright yellow light radiating about the head and shoulders and extending around the whole body. It expands and becomes brighter when its owner is concentrating on mental processes. It extends from three to eight inches from the body.
- The Astral level – The astral body is amorphous and composed of clouds of colour, more beautiful than the emotional body. The astral body tends to have the same set of colours, but they are usually infused with the rose light of love. It extends out about one-half to one foot from the body. The chakras are the same octave of colours as the rainbow of the emotional body, but each is infused with the rose light of love. The heart chakra of a loving person is full of rose light on the astral level.
- The Etheric Template Body – The etheric template level contains all the forms that exist on the physical plane in a blueprint or template form. It looks rather like the negative of a photograph. It is the template form for the etheric layer, which, as was already stated, is the template for the physical body. The etheric layer of the energy field derives its structure from the etheric template layer. It is the blueprint or the perfect form for the etheric layer. It extends from one and a half to two feet from the body.
- The Celestial Body – This is the emotional level of the spiritual plane. It extends about two to two and three-quarter feet from the body. It is the level through which we experience spiritual ecstasy. We reach it through meditation and many other forms of transformational work.
- The Ketheric Template or Causal body is the mental level of the spiritual plane called the ketheric template. It extends from about two and a half to there and a half feet from the body. When we bring our consciousness to the seventh level of the aura, we know we are with the Creator.
How does Chakra Balancing fit into Refreshing Horizons’ services?
All my services balance chakras in one way or another because they are at the core of our energy field.
You can see how homeopathy, essences, oils and other modalities can balance each chakra above.
Chakra balancing is the second stage of most of my e-Lybra bio resonance sessions. There is a specific routine for Chakra balancing. I run it for 25 minutes.
It produces a report like the one below. The left column is the only one that needs to be looked at. The number in round brackets (21) on the first line shows how many times that item was balanced. The main thing to notice is which chakras are balanced. This will give you an insight into where you might be giving your power away.
For example, if your throat chakra is balanced several times, consider where you are not expressing yourself as well as you could – look at the list above.
I have various other ways to balance the chakras, using the e-Lybra, if intensive chakra balancing seems appropriate (my intuition tends to advise me what to do).
Shamanic energy medicine sessions. Early in the session, I check which chakras are out of balance relating to the issues we are working on. Then I make sure they are balanced at the end.