This blog aims to tell you all about the e-Pendant you get as part of my bio-resonance service.
(Do let me know any further questions so I can expand it if necessary.)
What does the e-Pendant do?
The standard* e-Pendant ™ continues the bio-resonance session afterwards by “listening to” and “reminding” your energy field what needs to change.
Once programmed into the e-Pendant™, the patterns will continue to resonate and provide support for a maximum of 3 months. Ideally, it should be recharged/re-programmed after one to two months (sooner if a lot is going on in your life because you’ll be changing fast, so the resonances must also change).
* There are pre-programmed e-Pendants that are for specific purposes and purchased separately. They can be used alongside my full bio-resonance service and this e-Pendant but are not linked to my e-Lybra9 bio-resonance systems.
What is the e-Pendant ™?

It is a bio-resonance storage device that can be programmed and charged with bio-resonance patterns during the e-Lybra® analysis and balancing sessions. Each is made from a specially formulated proprietary mineral compound with an inherent subtle electromagnetic field emanating from its programmable matrix. (Further information about this later.)
What are the benefits of having it?
It is simple
Nothing to remember, no pills or potions to take! Keep it within 7.5cm/3″ of your body for as much of the day as is convenient, and it will keep working for you.
It sits well alongside other modalities
It seems to ‘fill in the gaps’. It is gentle and sympathetic to whatever is going on for you. If a need you have is being filled by, for example, osteopathy, then the pendant won’t find any need to give resonances to overlap that treatment.
The most effective option, when compared to the alternative of homoeopathic drops or tablets
Tests in the early days apparently found that: The therapeutic value of drops and tablets on a comparable scale is about 35%, whereas the therapeutic value of the e-Pendant™ when used in conjunction with the e-Lybra® system is double at 70%. The therapeutic value of the e-Pendant ™ may be further enhanced to 100% if used overnight by placing it under a pillow (it is recommended to remove the cord from e-Pendant™ before doing so).
Pills or drops could be provided instead from the sessions but I don’t recommend it. Even for children and small animals, it is usually possible to safely stash a pendant away in a pillowcase or bedding so that it works when sleeping. Children often respond quickly, even when only receiving resonances overnight.
(I do sometimes provide homeopathic remedies or essences for specific needs e.g. sleep or calming support as a different kind of support, and to help set intentions more physically, alongside the e-pendant™)

Guidance for using the e-Pendant ™
The e-Pendant ™ needs to be within 7cm (3″) of the body.
For adults: it can be worn on the string provided (or any other chain/string to suit you). It can also be put in a pocket, down a bra, or securely attached to you using a clip to prevent you from losing it.
For smaller children: the e-Pendant ™ can be secured in a pillow overnight and clothes during the day to avoid the child playing with it.
For larger animals: The e-Pendant ™ should be safely and suitably attached to a blanket, collar, etc. It can be attached to dog collars if the dog is large enough, or horse headcollars or rugs using a split ring. It can be sewn or concealed in a rug or dog bed to ensure it isn’t chewed or eaten.
For smaller domestic animals: the e-Pendant ™ can also be placed in their blanket or bedding.
Care of the e-Pendant ™
Please handle with due care, as you would all personal products that may be worn or hand-held.
Every e-Pendant is individual, and colours may vary slightly (they are all pretty close to black, though). You can paint yours if you’d prefer a different colour, some children like to do this. Nail varnish is one option (though you need to check the toxicity of the chosen paint).
Clean with a soft, damp cloth.
Do not immerse in water. A number of them inevitably end up in the shower or washing machine. While they don’t usually get damaged, I believe the water may reduce the effectiveness of the pendant, so I recommend a recharge if it gets soaked to ensure you continue to receive the full benefits of your session. I do have to charge for this.

Technical information about the e-Pendant ™
The main body of the e-Pendant ™ is made of a mineral compound. This mineral compound’s subtle energetic field can store resonance patterns from the e-Lybra and make them available to the user when the e-pendant is worn. The shiny disc attached to the front of the e-Pendant ™ has a radio frequency identity tag (RFID).
This electronic tag contains a unique identification number used to identify the e-Pendant™ when using the e-Lybra® system. This number is printed on the e-Pendant™ packet as a visual reference. I can scan the pendant to find the number (you need to return it to me). This is usually only necessary if more than one is in the household. Because they look the same, it is possible to muddle them up, so please make them different – put a different cord on, or a bead on the cord, or paint or mark the pendant in some way.
- The e-Pendant becomes active when in the proximity of the client and works best within 75 mm (or 3 inches) of the body.
- The e-Pendant can be worn around the neck, held, and placed in a pocket or under the pillow at night (please remove the cord before doing so).
- It is 50 mm long and weighs just 15 grams.
Here is a photo of my three dogs in 2016 – e-Pendants on their collars!

RFID Tag Note:
The RFID tag emits no active EMF.
After some research, WDS found that the individual ID number of the tag can be used to identify it as a recipient uniquely, and the e-Lybra can then send patterns to the full device as identified by the RFID identification. An RFID tag conventionally works by resonating in a certain way when a radio frequency is applied to it, which is not what we do.
By sending a pattern, we are anchoring a consciousness hologram matrix of a specific energetic formula to the device, which is then processed by the energy field of the person wearing it – nothing that conventional science can rationalise yet until one looks at the quantum model of the universe, at which point it makes sense. Einstein would get it, but a “modern” mainstream inventor (e.g. James Dyson) would be unlikely to have a clue what I meant in the description above. However, it will gain more acceptance as the world evolves, and everybody will treat it as completely normal and unremarkable.
How do resonances get to the e-Pendant ™ remotely?
There’s a quantum entanglement between the e-Pendant ™ and the e-Lybra system through the unique ID number assigned to the client record. Although we talk of e-Lybra programs being ‘sent’, ‘transmitted’ or ‘broadcast’ to the e-Pendant, my understanding of this is that nothing is travelling anywhere across a distance, but there’s a non-local effect at the other ‘end’ of the quantum entanglement when an e-Lybra session is applied to the client record at that ‘end’ of the entanglement. Mainstream science has demonstrated quantum entanglement. In short, whatever I ‘do’ to the client record in e-Lybra occurs simultaneously at the e-Pendant, irrespective of distance and time (as well as occurring at the client’s biofield, of course).
The e-Pendant ™ gets re-charged remotely when I run your session. If you prefer to return it to me for charging, we can do that but there will be an additional charge for postage and packing. (All of my current clients, wherever they are in the world, receive remote charging of the device, and although it seems odd to start with, the results speak for themselves.)