I love simple things that make a big difference and Mudras are something I discovered in 2013 at a Robin Murphy seminar.
What is a Mudra?
“Mudra” is a Sanskrit word whose English translation is “seal.” In Taoist practice, the term most commonly refers to specific movements and/or shapes created by the hands and fingers. Mudras can be thought of as a kind of “finger yoga” or “finger qigong.”
Mudra’s have been used in the East for thousands of years. They’ve been used as a spiritual practice and still are, considered a way to get on the path to enlightenment.
Often mudras will provide instant relief for lots of different ailments. Mudras work on your body and your mind, rebalancing the mind to its natural healthy state. Improvement in your general health may be noticed after doing Mudras on a regular basis. Mudras can work within seconds of creating the hand position or sometimes within an hour. Be prepared to do the positions on a regular basis for stubborn ailments that may require more work
Mahasirs Mudra
The mudra that can help Headaches and Migraines is called “Mahasirs Mudra”. It can also be practised for sinus issues and congestion, eye strain and to balance your energy.
Pronunciation: Ma-Ha-Sirs. It is made up of the following: “Maha” referring to “great”; “Siris” means “head”; “Mudra” is “gesture or seal”.
Step by Step Instructions
- Bring the thumb, the first finger and the second finger to touch each other.
- The ring finger is at the base of the thumb and the baby finger/pinkie finger is extended.
- Let your hands rest palms up on your thighs or by your sides if you are lying down.
- Do this for both hands.
- Hold it for a few minutes (five or six) and start to notice any positive changes in your body.
- Focus on breathing deep into your belly, feeling it rise and fall with your inhale and exhale to help you
I hope you find this useful – let me know how you get on with it.