“I sought help from Carol when my 5yr old German shepherd, Frankie, was diagnosed with elbow dysplacia. He was prescribed anti-inflammatories by my vet but I was concerned about the side effects these would have long term as he’d need them for life.
As an animal communicator Carol connected with Frankie to find out more about how we could help him and what she reported back to me, no one else could possibly have known. For example Carol asked him was there anything he’d like passing onto me and he told her about his bowl needing attention. A few weeks earlier I’d started adding Apple Cider Vinegar to his water bowl and he hated it so much that he refused to drink from it, he was telling me to sort it out!
The process isn’t just a discussion, the communicator can be presented with images and feelings too so when Carol asked about where he sleeps and got the feeling of being drafty it made perfect sense as Frankie’s bed is next to the patio doors, living in a barn we have a lot of drafts to deal with. These are just two examples of the session which explored how he feels and what we could do to help him.
I subsequently sent a hair sample to Carol and Frankie now wears an e-lybra pendant on his collar which is working to rebalance him both physically and emotionally.”