Our thoughts and words
Most of us have had times when we feel like victims of external factors, and we feel powerless as a result.
“If he were less nasty, things would be OK.”
“If she didn’t do that I would be a better person.”
“If this hadn’t happened when I was a child,”…. you get the picture.
A bit of time spent feeling sorry for ourselves while we get back into balance is OK perhaps. Wallowing in self-pity could be the start of a slippery slope. If we start talking about it to others it can quickly become our “go-to” place and it doesn’t serve us, or our friends, to be like that.
Those who sit around whingeing, or gossiping, to make themselves “feel better” are going in completely the wrong direction in my opinion.
Does gossip ever do any good? The target of our grumbles will energetically sense that it has happened. More importantly, for the gossiper, what we give out comes back to us.
Being pleasant and encouraging is a nicer way to exist.
The same applies to speaking about our health issues. It can consolidate them in an unpleasant way because others may start pouring their thoughts and energy into reinforcing the ailment within us energetically. It is nicer if they see us as thriving with health and healed.
Love and battles
Universal love is powerful. Not namby-pamby, fluffy, fickle love. Here, I am talking about the hard-hitting, strong love that never wanes. This love is Universal. It is also, if you believe in such stuff as I do, there for us in abundance from our deceased friends, relatives and spirit guides.
We are a spirit having a human experience, not the other way around. Our human mind prefers to think that it knows it all, and it doesn’t.
When I went through the Four Winds Healing the Light Body shamanic training, we did an exercise to look at love vs battling.
Two groups of people went into separate rooms, in different buildings. We had agreed on a sequence of activities.
For a period of time, one group received whatever was sent, and then we swapped over.
First, those sending started with nastiness, energetic daggers and anything else they could imagine to let fly at the other group. Surprisingly, they strongly felt the discomfort of these nasty things bouncing back to them, even more so if the recipients were focused on sending love to them simultaneously. The targeted people were able to protect themselves with love.
“Fighting is not the best way to resolve anything; love is”
It was a striking demonstration to me that fighting is not the best way to resolve anything, love is. This was the whole point of the exercise, of course. The teachers were illustrating why the shamanic healing work has to be done ‘in Munay’ (love from the power of the heart). After this experience, we were convinced without a shadow of a doubt.
In my practice, working using Munay is the only way. If I need extra power during the sessions, then I have spirit helpers who assist me, and it is always done with care and respect.
This applies in life as well.
There are sorcerers and those who choose to dabble in voodoo and that is a different path from mine. I get asked occasionally to undo their work, often when people come from parts of the world where this is common.
Note that gossip and saying horrible things about someone else behind their back or to their face is a mild form of sorcery. It can create a negative link, or cord, between the two people as well, which is the last thing we want!
Healing relationships
Try sending heartfelt love to those you feel negatively about. First, let go of any negative feelings (“bury the hatchet”) even if you can’t forgive them.
The other person will feel the release this gives, and it will do you a power of good. It is so great to be free of unpleasantness. You may be amazed at what changes happen once the bad connection has gone, too!
Take control
The quickest way to take control is to get out of the story. Stop giving power away. Take responsibility for your part of whatever is going on, rise up above it and let it go. Find peace in the moment and release it.
We are energy beings and attract more of what is going on inside us, like a magnet.
Dr Wayne W. Dyer put it this way:
“When you squeeze an orange, you’ll always get orange juice to come out. What comes out is what’s inside. The same logic applies to you: when someone squeezes you, puts pressure on you, or says something unflattering or critical, and out of you comes anger, hatred, bitterness, tension, depression, or anxiety, that is what’s inside. If love and joy are what you want to give and receive, change your life by changing what’s inside.”
Disengage by employing gratitude
Finding tiny nuggets of what we DO want to see in life (however bad the situation is) will turn things around. Appreciating brings more things that we can appreciate to us.
Keeping a gratitude journal or jar is one wonderful way to see this growing. It gets life onto an upward spiral (instead of a downward one where we focus on all that is wrong and get more of that!).
It isn’t always easy. The mind may tell us we can’t directly control what is around us. However, we have power and an expansive energy field that should be used fully.
Don’t withdraw or limit your life with irrational fears and doubts. The mind pops these up based on your life to date, and they can be completely unfounded. By responding to them, you pull your world inwards rather than expanding, and nobody wants to find themselves squeezed into a tiny little box when there is a whole universe out there to enjoy.
I have punched my way out of some very tough times by changing my focus to believing in a better future, so I know it works. It isn’t a theory. The opportunities that come to us when we are open to looking for them and seeing them are amazing.
Stay present
Every so often, I get a call from someone who wants me to do shamanic healing because of past life issues. Sometimes, there is a desire to tell me about the issues. Perhaps he/she is a soul mate, or something happened in a past life. The caller has already been to other healers who have planted this idea and reinforced it with further embellishments that have brought it even more alive in the caller’s mind and turned it into a problem seemingly out of his/her control and scary.
To me, anything that pushes us into such a massively disempowered state is not healing. It makes things significantly worse!
Do past lives exist?
In my shamanic work, I “see” representations of past lives and all sorts of images representing things that are ready to be released relating to the issue we are working on. Similarly, retrieving a lost soul part gives us new energy and qualities that allow us to live life more fully.
The shamanic teachers, and various channelled information (e.g. The Council, channelled by Sara Landon) say that everything is happening now. That time is not linear.
Therefore your different lives are all happening now. You could flip between them and alter them yourself in lucid dreams or a meditative state or by focusing on dropping all past stories in your thoughts.
There is never any need to give your power away. Your power is in the present moment.
Look forwards
If something is draining us, then clearing it is beneficial. It can free us up in exciting ways.
The focus in my healing work is on propelling my client into a truly authentic version of himself or herself, enjoying the present moment.
In shamanic healing, I receive guidance about what each client needs to know to integrate the changes fully into life. Often, information about things that have been erased is better forgotten and left unsaid. The reason is that if I was to tell all about it in great detail, it may cause my client problems later.
There is a human inclination to take information and mull it over. Perhaps also to discuss it with friends, especially if it is interesting or funny. This focus brings it back to being. It draws whatever it is in again because, energetically it is being called back!
We are here to live in the present moment. The more we can reduce thoughts about the past and future, the happier and calmer we can remain! Regrets and worries are rarely about the current moment.
Memories that make us shudder are other things that will benefit from being worked on to take the emotional punch out of them. For straightforward things, you can do this yourself (see my blog on this topic).
Other ways to clear blocks
I do have other ways to work on clearing the things that drag us down. The e-Lybra9 bio-resonance will work on clearing past life interferences, vows, spells and even trigger soul retrievals, timeline shifting and all sorts of wonderful stuff.
I often also use this to integrate a shamanic session and make sure anything cleared stays gone so it is a powerful partnership of tools and techniques.
Homeopathic remedies and essences do this as well. They are all forms of energy medicine that work to nudge us back to who we truly are. Good old Bach Rescue Remedy is always useful if we feel ‘rattled’ or anxious.
Tapping/EFT is very good at lifting the power out of emotions, and related physical issues, and can be self-administered. It is something I use for myself if I need a quick boost.
Do I need to get someone else to fix me?
There is a lot you can do for yourself and you need to be involved in the solution, at the very least believing it is possible (the good old placebo effect working on your side).
Focusing on seeing yourself as in charge or the orchestrator of your world (in a humble empowered way) and changing the focus of your thoughts is worth your effort and will provide many rewards.
I go to other therapists when I need support. My human side (as opposed to my soul/higher self) still gets hooked into life’s dramas even though I am better at stepping out of them.
A regular reminder to self that
“Self-actualized people are independent of the good opinion of others”
(another Dr Wayne Dyer quotation) always helps. All each of us can do is our best and be careful with our words and intentions (refer to The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz to find out more about this!)
Getting support should be an enjoyable and empowering experience. It is hard to detect our own ‘shadow’ side (the side that we hide from ourselves because it isn’t perfect). Working with someone else’s support can be so much easier because he/she sees all of us rather than just the bits we are comfortable with, or talk about.
There is always something more to be cleared, to be balanced. We are always work in progress so please don’t think perfection is coming any time soon. Enjoy the journey!