Homeopathy is a wonderfully safe and economical way to provide support for day-to-day acute ailments for yourself, your family, animals, and even your plants.
For many years now I have usee it instead of many of the over-the-counter medicines.
Remedy Kit
If you can find a 42 remedy homeopathic kit then that is excellent*. These contain 42 of the remedies in small bottles in a small padded plastic case that is very portable and will provide support for most common ailments.
The Ainsworths Essential Kit contains remedies in 30c potency:
- Aconite
- Allium cepa
- Antim tart
- Apis mel
- Argent nit
- Arnica
- Arsen alb
- Belladonna
- Bryonia
- Calc carb
- Calendula
- Cantharis
- Carbo veg
- Chamomilla
- China
- Cocculus
- Drosera
- Euphrasia
- Ferrum Phos
- Gelsemium
- Hepar Sulph
- Hypericum
- Ignatia
- Ipecac
- Kali bich
- Lachesis
- Ledum
- Lycopodium
- Mag phos
- Merc sol
- Mixed pollens
- Nat mur
- Nux Vom
- Passiflora co
- Phosphorus
- Pulsatilla
- Rhus Tox
- Ruta
- Sepia
- Silica
- Staphisagria
- Sulphur
Helios Pharmacy also sell remedy kits
Alternatively, you can always purchase remedies one at a time as you find you need them.
Alongside the remedies I would heartily also recommend having some herbal creams such as
- Arnica – well know for bruises
- Hypericum and Calendula – for cuts where nerve damage has occurred
- Calendula – cuts and grazes
The kits come with a small booklet. To start to understand it better then there are many books (thousands).
This one by – Miranda Castro’s “The Complete Homeopathy Handbook” is one of many good ones.
This post on homeopathy for animals gives a few ideas what each remedy can be used for – courtesy of Chris Day (vet and homeopath).
I do offer some mentoring to my clients on remedies they might find useful for day-to-day situations.
(*Unfortunately, changes in legislation to restrict which homeopathic remedies can have claims of effectiveness made about them have resulted in the removal of some kits from sale by homeopathic pharmacies in the UK. These remedies have been in use for 200 years so it is somewhat irritating that clinical proof along the lines of that used for pharmaceutical products is required for these remedies that, on the other hand, are poo-pooed as having nothing in them. How can a product that “contains nothing” and many believe is purely placebo effect also be dangerous? )