In this interview Victor speaks of how he started off with crystals, which led to radionics and then his invention of the e-Lybra equipment.
He speaks of how this equipment can help people to evolve along their spiritual paths. It bridges to the person’s consciousness to ask how to do it. With the e-Lybra9 we can connect with the person’s consciousness in such a way that it tells us what to do, the bio-field tells us how to do this.
The person is autonomous. The person’s ‘higher self’ decides how much to participate.
He speaks about the Light Body pre-programmed pendant that is focused on awakening the person’s light body. It contains patterns that invite the person’s bio-field to respond and clear different interferences. Pendants contain patterns to balance imbalances.
At the conference that was ending when the interview was done, 50 people had experienced the light body pendant (the conference talk is in another blog)
Quantum entanglement is used to pass the formula through an energetic bridge from the e-Lybra9 or Victor’s main server to the e-Pendant. This is instantaneous.
Victor speaks of the waves of energy that are coming to the planet with the capacity to dissolve core issues for people. This sounds good but can be difficult and this light body pendant clears some of the interferences that get in the way of the core issues going. When a core issue is raised for healing we become aware of all the ‘stuff’ and it can be overwhelming.
This is happening all over the world and the waves have been increasing in amplitude. Higher intensity vibrational shifts are coming in and Victor’s e-Lybra technology is helping people to cope better.