What is space/energy clearing?
People talk about “clearing the air”, perhaps after a disagreement. Generally they mean to talk it through and clear any bad feelings. However, also doing something to actually clear the air, the atmosphere – space clearing or energy clearing a room (or a whole building) is a great thing to do. It makes a big difference to how the place feels and even how your life flows.
The objective of space clearing is to get it to feel better, lighter and more pleasant to be in.
Having my house space cleared
Many years ago, I paid a lot of money to have a full space clearing for my home by one of Karen Kingston’s people (author of “Clear Your Clutter with Feng Shui”, a great little book!).
It was a very interesting and enjoyable day.
Before the visit, I had to clean and tidy the house thoroughly and buy flowers and tea lights.
The practitioner spent time cleansing each room, then placed a tea light and flowers on a plate in the centre of the floor, before moving on to the next room.
Towards the end of the session, we put my wishes for the future into a Balinese Ball-shaped Bell and walked around the house jangling it.
Finally, I had to go out for a couple of hours to leave it all to settle.
Testing for electromagnetic fields, underwater water and other such things was part of the service, as was advice on changing some of the decor to lift the energy.
My Reflections on my Space-clearing Experience
My home did feel lovely afterwards It was therapeutic for me to have it done for me at this time since I was making my way alone after my alcoholic ex-husband had moved out. A true fresh start.
I realised how much the thoughts and words of the house occupants get stored in the fabric of the house.
If we could all be positive, happy, bunnies all the time once the space clearing has been done, then that would be a good start to helping it to stay that way.
However, life happens and most of us have bad days, get cross and feel upset. All these events change the energy in the fabric of the house again.
Clearing the space regularly yourself is therefore a good habit to get into and I do this a few times a year.
DIY ways to lift your home’s energy

It might be obvious but having a lot of clutter really drags us down. Part of us is trying to keep track of each item – just imagine how much energy that takes!
Karen Kingston’s book (mentioned above) ‘Clear your clutter with Feng Shui’ is superb.
It is a small book. Karen describes the effect that clutter in each room has on us. What better motivation to sort it out? It even helps you to prioritise the order that you do it, according to the life you are experiencing.
Alaskan Sacred Space sprays
These are superb. Extremely effective and you can use them almost anywhere.
I use these Sacred Space Sprays a LOT and really heartily recommend them. In the UK, can order them for you or you can contact Healthlines. The main Alaskan Essence website.

They work instantly and smell delightful.
I first found discovered their effectiveness at homeopathic student clinic. Often we would be left feeling headachy and stressed after a particularly in-depth client consultation. Our tutor used to whiz around the room spraying it (and us) with these sprays. Without fail, the room felt fresh and wonderful and we were restored to clarity and lightness, ready for our next client.
Spray them in this order –
- “Purification”
- “Calling All Angels”
- “Lighten-up”
- “Guardian”
Purification ‘Space Clearing’ Spray is the perfect gift for therapists, real estate agents, interior designers and travellers, anyone who works with spaces or people. Purification clears out unwanted and stagnant energies from homes, offices, therapy spaces and hotel rooms.
Calling all Angels Spray is perfect for children and anyone in need of divine love. It invokes the love, guidance and protection of the angelic realm and brings a soft, loving and serene energy into your heart and space. Children love to use this spray before going to sleep!
Lighten Up ‘Energy Flow’ spray brings light and uplifting energy to those who feel sadness, loneliness or anxiety during the holidays. Especially helpful during the long winter months.
The Guardian Spray helps you create a powerful force field of protection in your aura and environment.
I would not be without them now.
Alaskan Essences also produce:
Sweetgrass Hydrosol which is also for space clearing – similar to sage smudging in action. They also sell the space-clearing combinations in dropper form so you can put drops around the building instead. (The drops can also be taken in water to clear your own energy field if required.)
Soul Support ‘Emergency Care’ drops and Soul Support Spray are a must-have for everyone. It brings stability and a calm inner strength when used during stressful times.

Shamanic traditions burn particular materials to ‘smudge’ the people and the atmosphere. North American Indigenous people tend to use White Sage (not the herb we grow in the UK).
A Peruvian shaman will often use Paulo Santo wood as a powerful way to shift heavy energies (this is an endangered species now so take care purchasing it).
Burning such things can be a bit tricky and potentially dangerous so do take care with this, and be aware of smoke alarms or sprinkler systems too!
Plants and flowers

Plants give out oxygen during the day so can freshen the atmosphere. Some plants are especially good for us, for example, Peace Lillies which also apparently absorb low energies.
Fresh cut flowers, if you like them, can delight you with their lovely colours and smells too. Make sure you remove them when they are over though.

Crystals are a big topic on their own – each crystal has different qualities it can add to the room it is in. I have them dotted about my home and office and enjoy having them.
It is important to cleanse the crystals when you get them and regularly afterwards to keep their qualities good. Sitting them outside or on a windowsill for a day or more can cleanse them, or soaking them in salt water is recommended by some.
Essential oils

Essential oils can be used in a diffuser. Each has unique qualities and some are also antibacterial.
There are some great books about them. I particularly like Valerie Ann Worwood’s ‘Fragrant Pharmacy’.
Some essential oils specialists provide blends of oils for specific purposes, such as allowing you to focus, relaxation, sleep etc.

Sound can be a great help – Singing Bowls and pleasant-toned bells are specifically sold for this purpose. You can purchase recordings of singing bowls, Buddhist chants and other similarly spiritually uplifting audio online and it can be put on and left playing in the room when you go out or perhaps overnight in a business environment.
I often play a recording by Jose Luis Herrera of Ceremonial Ikaros (haunting vocal music, channelled directly from spirit in Peru) to prepare healing spaces.

Playing uplifting music can be enough to lift the energy of the room.
Lively music that makes you feel happy can be enough at home. I have a playlist called ‘Housework’ that contains a number of fun songs I can put on loud and jig around to as I get the cleaning done. Even leaving this playing when I am out of a room makes a big difference to the feel of the room when I return.
Silent healing
It is possible to obtain audio files or CDs that seem completely silent yet are putting out healing resonances into the atmosphere. I sell one type of those which puts bio-resonances into the atmosphere silently. Great for offices!
If you have a home or business premises with ‘problems’ that aren’t clearing with the simpler ideas above then these will probably be required.
Electronic devices

Geopathic Devices that plug into the mains and clear your environment. Mine are made by WDS-global (who make my e-Lybra9 bio-resonance system). The bigger one will do an entire house or any area up to 400 square metres. There is a smaller, travel, device that will do a room.
Read my blog post about the Geopathic devices for the home/office and travel.
What if none of this works?
I would be surprised if these ideas don’t make a significant difference.
If there still seems to be something that is not clear then consider calling on a professional to take a look and offer advice. I provide space clearing in various ways as part of my services, details at the bottom of the page.
Carol’s space clearing services:
Space clearing of the clients’ home, vehicles and workspace is often included at a gentle level during remote e-Lybra9 bio-resonance e-Pendant top-up sessions.
The e-Lybra9 can also remotely target the specific home/designated area as a separate session. This can also be useful to clear blockages for selling or purchasing properties, or clearing after moving in.
My extensive shamanic training also gave me various methods to clear homes and businesses, working from a layout plan remotely.
Various advanced shamanic divination techniques may be used to clear stuck situations and may prove useful – one example is a house that was for sale but never got a second viewing or feedback. Within a month of this technique being performed the house was sold and the occupants had found a new house of their dreams!